However, I'm back to where I was when I made the last entry on April 8th. I feel better each day and have been able to be outside to enjoy this latest touch of spring. To tell the truth, the weather is as potent a healer as my medications after a winter like we've had. My last clinic on Monday had my oncology team smiling as my blood numbers are still improving to "normal" and I'm disease free, which is huge given the tenacity of my particular style of cancer. For that, I'm gratful and thankful and that gives me the kind of energy and renewed courage to deal with these day-to-day stumbles that are simply part of healing.
So, two weeks has taken me through the gamit of emotions and physical change only to deliver me back to the spot I stood before- that's the path of healing and that's good and I'm fine, renewed and looking forward to a healthier tomorrow.
Thank you all for the continued support and love- there is no substitute to these healing powers.