I've had a good run of healing in the last 2-weeks. The spot on my lung didn't show anything, either fungal or otherwise, but it looks to all, who make their living interpreting such things that it is consistent with fungal growth. Basically the sample was so small that it didn't grow anything period. I've seen a few specialists since and they are agreed to basically treat it as fungus and watch it.
My energy has been good and my blood work is "perfect" according to the lovely Dr. Lucy Godley, my oncologist. I have to say the team has been really great to go through this with, they have enthusiasm, compassion and a upbeat manner that gives me courage and a since of progress even when I'm feeling progress is too slow or simply like a dog, chasing its own tail, never winning, but never loosing either.
I believe that's it for the moment. Take heart that things are progressing, it's still a long time to normal, but I feel better each week. When I don't feel I'm making progress, I try to remember that in March I couldn't even get around to my clinic appointments without a wheelchair to get from station to station. Oddly enough the wheelchair was an improvement over the previous months, so everything is relative and context always informs where you really are.
Thanks always for keeping track and keeping in touch through this wonderful tool. I'll keep posting.