Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday/week in review

Good Morning,
Well, it's Sunday and another week has past beneath me. I've had a week of wonderful visits from friends and family and was busy for 4- nights out of 7. Had great daytime visits as well, 5 this week alone. These visits are really the highlights of very long and dull weeks. I've been reading for hours on end as well, currently City of Fallen Angles, a modern history of Venice as told through the lives and unique circumstances that surround the fire that destroyed the Fenice (opera house) in 1996. Through that central theme author John Berendt, paints a portrait of a modern Venice that walks a fine line between endurance and decay. Modernity and traditions. It's really enjoyable.

On the medical front, my hair is beginning to leave me, so I should be a cue ball by the end of this week. Another marker that says I'm on schedule. If you can believe it, that's the week. There's not much going on here in this "wait and see" phase of treatment, my cancer is in remission, to use the term broadly, but they wont be happy here until I've got new bone marrow which gives me the best chance for long-term recovery. I can't wait to get home, but also can't spend much time thinking about it, because I'm in here until my immune system bounces back.

The biggest action occurred outside of here. On Monday, MJ and her sister Elizabeth, supervised a very complex move from my city apartment to her loft in Oak Park. That entailed just about every hateful task that make moves difficult, but add to this the numerous decisions about what to bring and what store of both our collections of art, furniture and photographs- and how those objects add to or narrate a couple of lives well lived. You know you have friends when they volunteer to help pack, box or move things. We (MJ) couldn't have done it without the help that filled in so many gaps.

Thanks all,


Anonymous said...

Arnie my friend. I will be in Chicago on Wednesday for business. I was hoping to stop in for a visit. Early evening? Stay strong.

Anthony Nagy

A. H. Goodwin said...

I'd be great to see you if you can find the time. I'll keep Wd "open" until I hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Maybe one way to think of the hair loss is as a way to find out what lies beneath...all that hair. Maybe a complex map of the universe? Maybe the answer to who shot JFK? Maybe a good recipe for pumpkin pie. In any case, baldness feels really weird on a pillow. Just some food for thought...


Anonymous said...

Arnie, I think the truer statement is that adversity reveals character--maybe more important than adversity builds character. You are beautiful. Your beautiful soul is far more impressive than hair.